Tiny Short "Stories (Part 2)

1. The famous archeologist “South Carolina Smith” and Lucy, his female companion traveled to a remote village in southern India, which appeared far from civilization. Inegun, the leader of the tribe considered Smith and his lady as honored guests and invited them to share a special meal with them, as the gaunt, hungry villagers stared at them. Smith and Lucy sat together in Inegun’s humble tent. As they talked, an exotic lean meal was prepared for just Smith and Lucy, which was made of Python snakeskin and swine intestines. After Lucy asked what it was, she put the plate down. Smith rebuked her, saying “You’ve got to eat this. This is more food than most of this tribe eats each week. Show some respect.”

Inegun responded, “If you don’t like this food, there’s a nice Pizza Hut down the road from here.”

2. A couple of 14-year-old girls were walking down an old road in a small town in Wyoming. They saw an old square telephone booth that had been standing for five decades. “What’s this?” one of the girls said. At that same moment, an older gentleman heard them and told them that it used to be an old cylindrical telephone booth from before 1990. The girls glanced at each other with puzzled looks. One of them asked the other, “I wonder why someone would have wanted to bring their iPhone in here to talk.” The other said, “I guess it was used so that someone could talk on their iphones in private.”

3. An old rich man and his mischievous younger wife arrived at a bank to set up a joint account, which included all of the man’s assets and had been solely his account. His cruel wife did not have any wealth but would rely on the joint account if she needed money. Unfortunately, when the husband was about to sign his name to affirm the account, he began to have a heart attack. His wife ignored the man’s situation and shoved the paper into his hands so he could sign his name and the money would be hers. Instead, the old man just smiled at his wife and said in his weakened condition, “No money for you. Get a job!” Then he died. The wife tried to revive him and said, “Don’t die on me, you s.o.b. Sign it!” But it was too late. She would have to throw away the poison-laced soup she had prepared for him.