Limited Fiction of William H Coles Guide Overview

The Small Fiction of William H. Coles 2000-2016 is a collection of 33 quick tales, a…

Gilles De Rais – A Christian With The Dark Side

Gilles became a knight and with his grandfather inheritance, bought the best equipment for the battle…

Brief History of Persian Poet Abdullah Ansari

Introduction Abdullah Ansari hails from Herat (now in Afghanistan) and was born in the year 394…

Child Photography Tips – Capturing That Special Moment in Time

As soon as a couple finds out they’re pregnant, the first thing they do is to…

Making Money From Art & Literature – Online

Is it possible to make money from art & literature online? If you’re an artist, do…

Humor – See You In The Funny Papers

You wake up and the first thing you do is head for the front door to…